November 2016

A Wild Food Walk is a delight, an engagement with nature, but it is also a journey into a secret world where and you will learn about the exceptional nutritional value and unique taste of wild plants, how to identify them, what not to eat or touch, what’s in season, tasting as we go, all the while taking in the beautiful scenery of Co.Clare, The Burren and the Wild Atlantic Way.

Wild  Food is  seasonal, local, nutritious, and FREE. Beneficial to human health and can be used as food medicine. We have about 8000 edible plants available to us globally and most of us eat only a tiny fraction of these. Our bodies have evolved over tens of thousands of years to deal with a varied diet of hundreds of plants and modern living now can leave us with less than 20 plant sources of food and much of this is processed.
So we often have a nutritional deficit, a taste deficit and a nature deficit, hence wild food.

The Wild Kitchen book came into being as I often get asked for copies of recipes and info on plants during my wild food walks. I had a lot of ideas jotted down over the the last year or two and I finally got it all together this Summer. As I have had a keen interest in wild plants and nature since childhood and my college days endorsed that, it was a dream come true to put it down in words and formulate this book. We have such a diversity of plants that are so steeped in our history and culture and have offered so much to so many that I really wanted to share my knowledge of how these plants have enhanced my life and deserve to be utilised by us all in so many ways.” Tons of wild food goes to waste every year, food that could be so beneficial to society” (quote from book) . So with my “good camera” I spent the last while taking all the photographs in the book, and collating the info and recipes for 26 of our common wild plants inc. seaweed. Wild food is , local, seasonal, often organic and Free. My hope is that you will use and share this guide towards bringing the bounty of the wild to many, especially children, who may learn to inherit our treasured places intact, while enjoying the journey as much as I do”

For more information on Wild Walks or the Wild Kitchen book please Click Here

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