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Linnalla ice-cream


Café Linnalla ice cream is based on the Flaggy Shore Co Clare, voted one of the fifty secrets of the wild Atlantic way. Here Brid serves her fresh farm made ice cream. Brid & Roger started making ice cream in 2006. They source the milk from their Burren native shorthorn cows. Their farm is a traditional dairy farm since the mid 1800′s.  They source as many ingredients as possible from the Burren including fruits and nuts of which hazel is plentiful! With all these fresh ingredients they make a beautiful artisan ice cream.

The Flaggy shore is a mecca for walkers and is made famous by the poet Seamus Heaney in his poem “Postscript” where he says it “captures the heart off guard and blows it open” The swans that gather on the Flaggy Shore whose water laps beside the grazing cows of Brid & Roger Fahy give Café Linnalla Ice cream its name ” Linn-éalla’ meaning Swan Lake Café Linnalla ideal stop off point along this section of the Wild Atlantic Way.

The café is a desert house serving our farm fresh ice cream in many flavours served in many ways from a simple delicious cone or tub to a large sumptuous ice cream sundae. With teas and coffee we also serve beautiful cakes, muffin’s and deserts.

The breath-taking views of Galway and Ballyvaugh bays and the Burren hills are the perfect backdrop to enjoy an ice cream and a coffee and while the time away.


Summer (1st April – 31st October.): 11am – 7pm 7 days a week

If you require assistance at any other time phone +353 (0) 87 7857569

Book now: Linalla Ice Cream

To apply for this job email your details to info@linnallaicecream.ie

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